Postscript / あとがき
Because of the long term fellowship of The Japan Foundation Asia Center, I could have had residencies in 3 countries of Southeast Asia, Thailand, Indonesia & Malaysia where I have never worked as an artist. As I have kept getting to know about each society, culture and people there, I could have developed new direction in my artistic practice.
Especially after the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011, with watching the world campaign of anti-globalization, I have started doubting about our way of contemporary life which is based on consumerism and capitalism. From the economical view point of the capitalism society where we live, our world regards these Southeast Asian countries as “Developing Countries”. As an artist who came with the grant of the country Japan which capitalism regard as “Developed Country”, I have kept thinking how I should spend money in Southeast Asia during my residencies for half year.
Of course, I found it not easy to do everything ideally. But, as possible as I can, I have tried to understand condition and circumstance of each community, I have tried to work on a grassroots level in each society. I have noticed about the reality of how cheap is employment expense which I used to pay in Southeast Asian countries, compared to the expense I need to pay in both Belfast, Northern Ireland and Japan. With knowing these differences, I have started thinking naturally that I should “Give” more than “Take” in each society if I think about “Give & Take” as an artist came from economically wealthy country like Japan. I have been thinking what kinds of projects are better for me to realize for each community and what kinds of projects can leave some influence there even after my residency will finish. I have kept donating my works in many places where I have stayed because of this reason.
For example, in Nan, Thailand, the event I invited the village people to the Japanese domestic style dinner has become local legend. And the “Sala” ( the symbol of the Thai community ) which I built and used for the event, is called as “Shiro’s Sala” by the local village people.
The Identity T-shirts Project which I involved the community of Ruang MES 56, Yogyakarta, Indonesia has got good feedback from the members of the MES 56 as well as the local society. I donated the T-shirts and the picture which I made for the project to the MES 56 after my residency. I also renovated the bathroom of MES 56 artistically. Before my leaving, members of MES 56 and their friends have sung a song like “Arigato (Thank you) Arigato ~♩Shiro Masuyama ~♩”. And I was really touched by the fact that some of them have also composed my song called “Shiro Masuyama” and they have practiced playing the song together for several days for my opening and farewell party. In Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia I have challenged for the difficult issue of the divisions of communities, Malay, Chinese and Indian. For my opening, I hired Indian Muslim chefs (Mamak) to serve the dinner which everybody from these 3 communities can eat.
Through my activities last half year, I could have built the strong friendship with people I have encountered with, and I could have created new networks with the art society I have never known before. I have been thinking if I could have any projects and exhibitions there in the future. If I could get any further opportunities there, I will post about it in this blog.
I would like to say thank you to everybody who has been supportive for my residencies, my sponsor of The Japan Foundation Asia Center and everybody who has been following my activities through this blog. Thank you very much everybody!
例えば、タイのナンの村では、村人を招待して日本の家庭料理をもてなした自分の活動が未だに語り継がれています。そのイベントに使用し、Asiatopia Houseに寄贈したタイでのコミュニティの象徴でもあるサラが地元では「士郎のサラ」と呼ばれているらしいです。インドネシアはジョグジャカルタのRuang MES 56のコミュニティを巻き込んだ、Identity TシャツプロジェクトはMES 56メンバーはもちろん、地元の社会でもすこぶる好評でした。作ったTシャツや、写真はレジデンス後に寄贈しました。また、MES 56のバスルームもアーティスティックにリノベーションをしました。滞在最後には、MES 56のメンバーと友達皆から「ありがとう〜♬ありがとう〜♬士郎増山〜♬」と日本語で大合唱され、何人かのメンバーが自分のための曲「増山士郎」を作詞作曲して何日も練習した上で、個展のオープニングや送別会の時にバンドを組み演奏してくれたのには、さすがに感動で目頭が熱くなりました。マレーシアはクアラルンプールのLostgens’ Contemporary Art Spaceでは、マレーシアのマレー人、中国人、インド人によるコミュニティの分断という難しいテーマに挑戦するため、それらの全員が食べられる食事を提供できるインド系イスラム教の料理人を雇い料理を提供しました。
Especially after the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011, with watching the world campaign of anti-globalization, I have started doubting about our way of contemporary life which is based on consumerism and capitalism. From the economical view point of the capitalism society where we live, our world regards these Southeast Asian countries as “Developing Countries”. As an artist who came with the grant of the country Japan which capitalism regard as “Developed Country”, I have kept thinking how I should spend money in Southeast Asia during my residencies for half year.
Of course, I found it not easy to do everything ideally. But, as possible as I can, I have tried to understand condition and circumstance of each community, I have tried to work on a grassroots level in each society. I have noticed about the reality of how cheap is employment expense which I used to pay in Southeast Asian countries, compared to the expense I need to pay in both Belfast, Northern Ireland and Japan. With knowing these differences, I have started thinking naturally that I should “Give” more than “Take” in each society if I think about “Give & Take” as an artist came from economically wealthy country like Japan. I have been thinking what kinds of projects are better for me to realize for each community and what kinds of projects can leave some influence there even after my residency will finish. I have kept donating my works in many places where I have stayed because of this reason.
The Identity T-shirts Project which I involved the community of Ruang MES 56, Yogyakarta, Indonesia has got good feedback from the members of the MES 56 as well as the local society. I donated the T-shirts and the picture which I made for the project to the MES 56 after my residency. I also renovated the bathroom of MES 56 artistically. Before my leaving, members of MES 56 and their friends have sung a song like “Arigato (Thank you) Arigato ~♩Shiro Masuyama ~♩”. And I was really touched by the fact that some of them have also composed my song called “Shiro Masuyama” and they have practiced playing the song together for several days for my opening and farewell party. In Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia I have challenged for the difficult issue of the divisions of communities, Malay, Chinese and Indian. For my opening, I hired Indian Muslim chefs (Mamak) to serve the dinner which everybody from these 3 communities can eat.
Through my activities last half year, I could have built the strong friendship with people I have encountered with, and I could have created new networks with the art society I have never known before. I have been thinking if I could have any projects and exhibitions there in the future. If I could get any further opportunities there, I will post about it in this blog.
I would like to say thank you to everybody who has been supportive for my residencies, my sponsor of The Japan Foundation Asia Center and everybody who has been following my activities through this blog. Thank you very much everybody!