The opening last night / 昨晩のオープニング

Since I started residency in Ruang MES 56, I have had a jinx that I always get hard rain every time when I organized the event including a talk event and 3 video screening events. It was the hardest rain in last several days today. Thank you everyone who came over to my show despite of bad wether! I have never thought I'm a rain bringer in my life.
Ruang MES 56でレジデンスを始めてから、トークイベント、三回のビデオスクリーニングのイベント等、自分の開催する全てのイベントに激しい雨が伴うというジンクスがあった。そして今日もここ数日で最もひどい雨。天気悪い中、来てくれた皆、本当にありがとう。自分の人生で雨男だと思ったことはないんだけどな。

I have got really good feed back about my show from everybody.
Everybody seemed really enjoying the show with giving me a lot of positive comments about the show. If you missed the opening, please come to the Ruang MES 56 to see my show. The exhibition continues until 21st Feb. Don’t miss it!

Positive thing about rain whether was good for 2 of my kinetic installations which I made especially for rain whether. They have been working throughout the opening night.

Itaru-san and Akiq wrote a song for me. They played the song together with friends as they have practiced for tonight.
Throughout my residency in the MES, I could have built good friendship with community of the MES. I got a little bit emotional with listening to the song.
