This 1 Year / この1年

1 year after my finishing  "My Half Year Residencies in Southeast Asia", I’m now in Yogyakarta, Indonesia with my Taiwan friend Shang Lin Wu who is a curator. I came here to help his networking and researching. I totally understand why the Indonesian Arts Collective was selected to curate the next Documenta. I have to say Indonesia is the most exciting and inspiring country for the arts now. The situation is still the same like the time when I stayed last year. 

The change of the color of my banner I left in Rang MES 56 shows the time of this 1 year.
Ruang MES 56 にそのまま置いて来た自分のバナーの色褪せがこの一年の長さを物語っていた

Reunion with members of MES 56
MES 56のメンバーと再会

Meeting with members of Ace House Collective

The mind blowing solo exhibition by Akiq AW, a member of MES 56, who will curate the Yogyakarta Biennale this year. In his solo show, he has showed art works made by him from his inspiration of each member of MES 56.  As he runs the photo printing shop for his business, he has been also using the test prints of many other artists without permission. The show makes me think where the copyrights of the arts is belong to.
衝撃を受けたMES 56のメンバーのアキによるかなりヤバい内容の個展。彼は今年ジョクジャカルタ・ビエンナーレをキュレーションするそうだ。彼の個展ではそれぞれのMES 56のアーティストの作品にインスパイアされて作った作品を見せていた。極めつけは、彼が写真屋を運営しているように、たくさんのアーティストによるテストプリントを無許可で使っていた。展覧会はアートのコピーライトが誰に帰属するものかを考えさせてくれた。

I organized the Shang Lin’s talk event in the Ruang MES 56
Ruang MES56で、シャンリンのトークイベントを企画した。

Last August, terrible flood attacked Asiatopia House, Nan, Thailand. The wall of my Sala also got damage.

After Chumpon fixed the wall, the Sala started being used again by an artist who stayed in Asiatopia House. I’m delighted to hear about it.

A master of Singaporean Performance Art, Lee Wen passed away in the beginning of March. I still remember his nice smile when we told him we came to Singapore just to meet him.

5 years ago he came to Belfast. It was right after he was attacked by somebody after his speech referring to the communism in the Basel Art Fair Hong Kong. He has stayed in my house around a week. We had a nice time together. He also kindly helped me taking down my solo exhibition in Belfast. And then, he did his performance in Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast, organized by my partner Sinead O'Donnell.

Lee Wen also became a good friend with my mother. My mother has eventually stayed together with Lee Wen at the same time in Belfast. He has talked about my mother to his wife Satoko Lee san. And he has contacted with my mother through Satoko san in order to visit my mother in Yokohama, Japan even while I have not been in Japan. But after all, he could not have met my mother again unfortunately. 

R.I.P.  Lee-san,  from one of your many friends Shiro MASUYAMA

