Solo exhibition at Lostgens and etc. / ロストジェンでの個展他

Shiro MASUYAMA/増山士郎
Encounter / 出会い
Sat 24th – Thu 29th Mar 2018
Opening Reception with FREE FOOD : Sat 24th Mar 19:00 -
Closing Talk Event : Thu 29th Mar 20:00 -

Ever since I started my residency at the Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I deduced that community divisions are the biggest issue here. In Malaysia there are three main communities: Malay; Chinese; and Indian. As the Lostgens’ is ran by people from the Chinese community, I have had more opportunities to meet Chinese people. 

One day, the director of Lostgens’, Yeoh Lian Heng, invited me to go on a day trip, along with some friends of Lostgens. “Why not” I replied. In addition to many local Chinese people, one Malay man joined the trip. I talked to him a lot throughout the journey. On the way, we went to a Chinese restaurant, but he didn’t join us. Later on I heard that he couldn’t join us and eat with us due to his Muslim beliefs. I was sorry that he couldn’t join us. It made me realise how different food cultures were acting as a barrier to society here. 

As I think eating food together is one of the most important ways for us to understand each other, for the opening of my solo exhibition, I decided to hire the Indian Muslim chef Mamak to make food for my opening which everybody in this society would be able to eat. For the event, I designed logos signifying no pork and no beef. I had them printed them onto a table cloth for the dinner table and onto the aprons which the chefs will use for the opening event. 

I hope that the works in my exhibition, and the opening itself, will encourage encounters between the many local communities here. Throughout my residency, I have had a wide range of unexpected encounters.





Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space
8, Jalan Panggong, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Web :
Tel : +60-19-6838-397
Open Hours : 13:00 - 19:00

I was also invited to attend the panel discussion about "artist autonomy and social engagement" in the part of event for the exhibition of 'On The Uses and Abuses of Visibility' on Sunday 25th March from 11am-1pm at Project Dialog
プロジェクトダイアログで開催されている「On The Uses and Abuses of Visibility」の展覧会の一貫のイベントで3月25日(日)の午前11時〜午後1時まで「アーティストの自治とソーシャルエンゲージメント」に関するパネルディスカッションの参加への招待を受けました。よろしくお願い致します。


I made frames using rubbishes

To celebrate St. Patrick's Day I cut out wild leaves into Shamrock shapes as Malaysia doesn't have any Shamrocks.

The 3rd and 4th drawing after coloring.

A pair of fish sandals I found in the street shop

Came to buy a fish tank with a new intern boy of Lostgens', Lok Kah Wah 

Pictures after framing

Another new intern girl, Emily Chow has helped me cutting out logos.

I visited local Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur Office for a meeting.

