About 26th and 27th October for 2 days / 10月26日と27日の二日分
<26th October>
We installed a stand of the works on the land.
With watching live broadcasting of the funeral ceremony of the king of Thailand on TV I had experienced Thai massages for the 1st time. タイの国王の葬式の生中継をテレビで見ながら、タイのマッサージを初体験する。 |
<27th October>
When I started making works using coconuts which I bought in the neighborhood yesterday, many killer ants which were on the coconuts started attacking me. All of them were actually biting me on my skin. I was screaming and run to the shower room. Finally I understood the meaning Chumpon told me yesterday that the ant is the most dangerous creature in Thailand. 近所で買ったココナツを加工しようと思ったら、ココナツにたかっていた殺人蟻の大群が攻撃して来た。全ての蟻が自分の肌に噛み付いて来たのだ。自分は悲鳴をあげてシャワールームに駆け込んだ。やっと昨日チャンポンが言っていたタイで最も危険な生き物が蟻だと言う意味が理解できた。
After recovering from the shock I made clean the surface of 2 pieces of the coconuts shell and curved them. I also curved 1 piece of squash. ショックから立ち直ったところで、二つのココナツの殻の表面をきれいにして彫刻し、乾燥したトウナスを彫刻した。 |
During making works I drilled my leg with a mistake.
作品制作の途中間違えて自分の足にドリルで穴空けてしまった。 |