Before my travel to Southeast Asia, I have encountered a lot of difficulties. My flight to Japan was cancelled unexpectedly because of the Hurricane Ophelia. I could not take a bus but a taxi to the Dublin Airport because of too many passengers after the hurricane. I didn't have enough time to arrive in the Thai Embassy for my appointment of Thai VISA. I have forgotten to bring my international driving permit from Belfast. Afterwards I caught a cold. And now the Typhoon Lan is just approaching to Japan. Anyway I could have managed to start my travel. I am now in the hotel near from the Narita Airport. And I will release the 1st episode of my blog about my travel next half year. 東南アジアへの旅の前に、多くの困難に遭遇した。ハリケーンオフィーリアのせいで日本行きの飛行機が欠航。ハリケーンの後の多くの乗客のせいで、ダブリン空港行きのバスに乗れずやむを得ずタクシーに乗るはめになったり。タイビザのためのタイ大使館でのアポイントメントに間に合うための十分な時間がなかったり。国際運転免許証をベルファストにうっかり忘れてきてしまったり。そして風邪をこじのらしてしまった。今度は台風21号が日本に接近している。とにもかくにもなんとか出発にこぎつけた。今成田空港近くのホテルで今後半年間にわたる旅のブログの最初のエピソードを書いている。
My travel will be sponsored by the long term fellowship of the Japan Foundation Asia Center.
Thank you so much for your all supports, my partner Sinead O'Donnell, my mother Tei Masuyama, Nozomu Ogawa, Chumpon Apisuk, Takaki Soga, Yumi Song and all staffs of the Japan Foundation Asia Center !