Attractive or Not Attractive?

I woke up 6am again for the 2nd trial of new "Attractive". Neighbor's chickens came over around it. But they didn't eat. I got failure again.
After the failure, around 7:15 all chickens disappeared from the garden. I went back to the bed again in a huff. When I woke up around 10:30, Chao has nearly finished roofing for me. Thank you so much Chao!

After the 2nd failure of the new "Attractive", I made "Not". And I installed them to change into "Not Attractive".
新「 Attractive」の二回目の失敗の後、「Not」を作った。「Not Attractive」に文字を変更するために設置。

After the installation, neighbor's Chickens came over again to start eating from my "Not Attractive". They really confuse me.
設置後、近所の鶏がまたやってきて、今度は「Not Attractive」から食べ始めたのだ。鶏にふりまわされている自分あり(苦笑)

We fixed another "Attractive" on the tree.

We have distributed flyers in our neighborhood.

