Talk event finished / トークイベント終了
Talk event finished. Taking a picture with Som (director of Asian Culture Station and artist), Akira Ishiguro(Artist who had a talk with me), Myself, Mr. Aoki (Japanese Consulate in Chiang Mai) , Jeff (Thai Translator) from Left to Right.
From last night to the time just before our talk event, I was stuck in the hotel. As we have had a kind of miscommunication with the university in Chaing Rai. We figured out the poster and the advertisement for the huge billboard have not been ready even though my opening will start from next week. So I have kept designing the poster and the advertisement on my own with giving up sightseeing in the last day in Chiang Mai. But I have managed to finish it before going out for my talk. I was glad I had the skill to do the graphic design like this.