Started making my place in Yogya / ジョグジャに自分の場所を作る

After new year holidays which everybody has had, I have started making my place in Yogyakarta. This is my studio and accommodation in the Ruang MES56, where I will stay until 24th February.
As I found 3 cockroaches in my room, I decided to clean my room.

As I don't have a privacy through the window, I hung the cloth which I found in the other room of the MES56, and made my room more comfortable to stay.  窓のせいでプライバシーを保てないので、メス56の他の部屋に落ちていた布をカーテン代わりにつるして、滞在するのに心地良い部屋にした。

I went to the interesting event to show the failure reason of the applications for the residencies, which was organized by the artist in residence named Cemeti. As I often organize similar lectures for young artists in Japan, I found the educational part of this event and the exhibition for artists are really interesting. It was a pity that I couldn't understand their talk in Indonesian.

I also went to the next talk event by the artists of the group exhibition in the Green Art Space where I saw in the other days. As one of the artists, Marcel who was explaining his work is German, I could understand his talk in English. After his talk, I spoke to him. And we got surprised as he is based in Berlin and he was actually my neighbor when I was based in Berlin. He said he will come to the Ruang MES56 to see me.

Until after the midnight,  I have kept drinking with some members of the MES56 in the courtyard in the MES56.  I have had fun with talking to them.

This is a cat which lives in the MES56

I have also chat with Mr. Takashi Kuribayashi. I guess he might be the only Japanese artist based in Yogyakarta like I often say I'm the only Japanese artist based in Northern Ireland. I'm really excited to meeting him.

